Getting it Right the First Time: Key Components of a Successful Automation Implementation
Complex, data-intensive SAP processes such as introducing new products or expanding your business to new markets can strain an organization and create bottlenecks that can hamper business growth. Yet, automating these processes can introduce a new set of challenges that often lead to ITb ottlenecks and organizational disruptions.
View this on-demand webinar to understand how to drive better business results by leveraging a flexible, scalable automation platform that works across your entire SAP ERP landscape. Explore the benefits and requirements of implementing an automation platform to streamline complex, data-intensive SAP processes, and:
- Prepare your organization and technical infrastructure for automation, including implementation requirements and the upfront need for process analysis and re-engineering
- Achieve maximum value from SAP process automation, including KPIs to measure the benefits
- Discuss the various types of automation solutions available for SAP and review evaluation criteria to help determine which one best meets your organization’s needs