The Best Shield Against Ransomware for IBM i
Did you know a frequent vulnerability that is exploited to initiate a ransomware attack on your IBM i is a compromised password? The most frequent approach to compromise system access is Credential Stuffing where an intruder finds user ids and passwords that have been stolen from somewhere else, sold on the dark web and attempts to use them at another organization. This is often successful because many people re-use the same password they use at work at multiple other online sites.
Adding multi-factor authentication is the #1 action most enterprises can do to prevent cybersecurity incidents from occurring. Even in industries that do not currently require MFA for regulatory compliance, governments are taking cybersecurity more seriously as agencies and infrastructure are increasingly being targeted. Investing in an MFA solution is an effective way to secure your data from unauthorized access and protect your resources.
Assure Multi-factor Authentication’s advanced capabilities provide unique, flexible solutions to access control on the IBM i. With our new, powerful user interface, we are making MFA easier to implement and control. Join us for this webinar to learn:
• How malware gets on to the IBM i system
• Tips on implementing MFA for the IBM i
• How our new interface can make deploying MFA even easier