Customer Clarity: A New Wave in Customer Experience

Reflecting on the (r)evolution that’s underway with the EngageOne Suite from Precisely, this post explains the new wave of customer experience opportunities that are now possible. Without business jargon, I seek to describe past customer experience challenges that can be solved today in ways not previously possible by adding customer clarity to your communications.
I will use “from-to-statements” that describe how your customers might currently experience your communications and how they will feel after you add clarity to your communications with the EngageOne Suite.
With the EngageOne Suite you can introduce clarity to every customer experience interaction, ensuring you make your point. Make sure your point is concise, clear, and understood and increases customer satisfaction with every interaction. Giving customers what they need in a glance without needing to read lengthy texts. Yet also giving easy access to more detailed information if they wish, and the ability to ask and get immediate answers to their questions during any interaction.
Let’s further illustrate the potential for adding clarity to your customer communications by diving into four use cases and sharing “from-to-statements” for each.
Customer clarity for marketing
After sparking a customer’s interest with an offer, how long is your window of opportunity to confirm their order? What if they have one question that prevents them from ordering because they can’t be bothered to call you nor to read through endless text on your website?
Overloading your marketing message with answers to every possible question is not an option. This would exasperate your customers and lower your chances of sparking their interest in the first place!
So, what’s the solution? Imagine strategically placed links in your promotion. Links that before they are even clicked already know what section of what message they were clicked from and have immediate access to frequently asked questions for that section and the ability to personalize answers based on customer and offer data.
What impact would immediate answers to any question have on your marketing conversion rates?
EngageOne Communicate lets you easily add clarity to your marketing with immediate answers to your customer’s questions. Adding clarity to your marketing will transition your customers from thinking:
“I would buy if…”
“I have bought because…”
Customer clarity in emergencies
Service outages and higher than expected bills result in angry customers. Dealing with angry customers in the right way strengthens relationships and can win lifetime customers. Failure to properly handle angry customers loses them.
Particularly during service outages, call center hold times can go through the roof and put you at risk of losing customers.
Now, imagine planning for the scenarios that most frequently anger your customers. Your insights into how your best staff most effectively handled angry customers in past situations is a treasure trove for handling similar situations in the future.
When a customer calls or visits your website in an emergency, you can predict what’s up from your data and start an online chat asking for confirmation of what’s up plus verify their identity. Then via a single click in the chat you can deliver a video made up of segments that are personalized on the fly using customer, billing and outage data to personally explain what happened and why along with the process and expected timeline for resolution.
EngageOne Communicate, unlock your treasure trove on past handling of customer issues and empower you to grow customer satisfaction in every future interaction. Using these tools to add customer clarity in emergencies will transition your angry customers from being:
“Angry or upset…”
“Satisfied or even delighted…”
Watch our webcast
Challenges in Utilities: Customer Clarity in Billing
Utility companies have taken unprecedented measures to maintain customer relationships. Most notably, waived late fees and suspended disconnections due to non-payment have helped their customers breath a temporary sigh of relief as they get back on their feet. However, with these programs coming to an end soon, and a reported $40B in COVID-19 debt owed, utility companies are going to need better ways to help reduce customer stress while still collecting revenue.
Customer clarity for complex documents
Complex documents are a legal requirement for doing business in many industries including banking, insurance, and healthcare. How many of your inbound calls relate to the complex documents you send? How much do customers enjoy calling you to get clarity on the complex documents you sent them?
Now imagine if those complex documents could have help links placed in each section. Links that even before being clicked know what section of what document they were clicked from. Links that have access to answers to the most frequently asked questions for each section of each document. Links that can securely access document and customer data to understand the context of each question and thereby automatically craft personalized answers to your customer’s questions immediately.
Delivering customer clarity by deploying contextual help in your complex documents is easy with EngageOne Communicate and a proven way to improve customer experience and satisfaction while reducing operational costs. Delivering customer clarity inside your complex documents will transition your customers from thinking:
“What’s this…”
“Now I get it…”
And from:
“What if…”
“Oh, now I see…”
Augment printed communications with customer clarity
Customers like to feel in control of their communications. They never want to miss an important fact, yet they also want to limit the time spent reading important communications to a few seconds.
Imagine reducing the content of printed communications to only highlight the most important facts and leveraging the additional whitespace to deliver beautifully designed and impactful messaging that delights your customers with exactly the information they need. These beautiful print experiences can be easily linked to the additional information some customers might require via automated online chat, online presentment or even personalized video that interacts with your customers and immediately meets their needs.
This approach is particularly powerful when onboarding new customers where it has proven to increase customer satisfaction and make 74% of customers feel great about having just selected to do business with you!
The EngageOne Suite empowers you to introduce clarity to your communications, both printed and online. Next time your customers receive an important communication from you, you can add clarity and transition your customers from thinking:
“I can’t be bothered to read that…”
“That’s interesting…”
And from:
“I don’t know, I’m confused…”
“I’ll remember that…”
Augmenting your communications with customer clarity gives your customers just what they need in a flash and when necessary, the exact additional information they seek too.
Interested in learning more?
Check out our webcast “Challenges in Utilities: Customer Clarity in Billing” to learn more about the solutions that make these transitions in “Customer Clarity” and customer experience possible.