3 Enterprise Insights for Data Integration in Hybrid Cloud Environments

Enterprises are facing incredible pressure to deliver returns on big data. There’s a need to expand capabilities while lowering the cost of infrastructure investments. For many enterprises, the right solution is hybrid cloud data integration.
Thirty-five percent of respondents to a recent data trends survey say the hybrid cloud has helped reduce costs, and 29 percent have achieved better operational efficiencies.
A hybrid cloud approach to data integration can lead to business benefits such as:
- Scalability and availability
- Flexibility to meet emerging use cases
- Improved service quality
- Transparency into cost and resource consumption
- Vendor-agnostic infrastructure strategy
3 enterprise insights into hybrid cloud integration
A hybrid cloud strategy uses both on-premises (or premise-based) infrastructure and public or private cloud resources. Ninety-eight percent of enterprises are still using at least some amount of premises-based servers and infrastructure, according to a recent Spiceworks survey. A hybrid cloud strategy can be a pathway to cloud adoption. It can expand capabilities while allowing enterprises to maintain premises investments.
Traditional approaches to data integration aren’t enough for enterprise data challenges. Challenges like data diversity and siloed data demand new agile approaches. Agility is possible with an approach that blends on-premises and cloud technologies. Here is what can help.
1. Understand your data
Premises-based infrastructure can be very costly for big data storage and processing, but a hybrid cloud data integration strategy can introduce lower costs. It also brings greater flexibility to scale resources on-demand.
A strong understanding of data is necessary to safely move data to the cloud. It’s a best practice to consider data sensitivity, cloud data cost savings, and accessing transactional data from the mainframe.
- Sensitive Data: Including PII and data protected by regulations such as HIPAA or PCI.
- Cold Data: Infrequently-accessed data can live in the cloud at a lower cost.
- Transactional Data: Data from transactions can fuel cloud analytics.
2. Design workflows
Adopting a hybrid cloud is a chance to assess existing data integration workflows. Test existing workflows to determine cloud suitability. Assessments should examine how to move data into distributed cloud storage and should also involve a look at performance optimization capabilities.
Design once and deploy anywhere solutions are generally ideal for flexible applications on-premises and in the cloud. The Precisely Connect product family can prevent excessive time commitment and avoidable expense.
3. Understand regulations
Enterprises face new regulatory requirements to document data management processes. The GDPR and CCPA both require documentation of premises and cloud environments. Transparency is critical to understand and document data use. Solutions should show real-time data security status in a hybrid environment.
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Achieve flexible and scalable data integration
Precisely Connect creates a flexible potential for enterprise data integrations. Precisely Connect can work on-premises or in public or private clouds. It can also work in a hybrid infrastructure to optimize performance at scale.
Precisely Connect creates data integration across all enterprise data environments, such as:
- Mainframes
- Relational databases
- NoSQL databases
- Public and Private Cloud
- Cloud data warehouses and data lakes
Connect delivers all the capabilities needed to achieve hybrid cloud data integration. Connect makes it possible to integrate complex mainframe data in a hybrid cloud. It’s possible to visually design data integration workflows. These workflows can be deployed anywhere, including the hybrid cloud, without costly rework.
Learn how to unleash the power of data; download our eBook: The New Rules for Your Data Landscape today.