Solution Sheet
Syncsort™ PROCSort™
Syncsort™ MFX customers use Syncsort™ PROCSort™ to drive significant additional resource and cost savings for SAS® sorting.
The impact of sort on SAS processing
Mainframe sort processing in SAS® applications typically consumes as much as 30% of all SAS CPU time and drives higher SAS elapsed times. Even organizations that enjoy the unprecedented speed, efficiency and ease-of-use delivered by Syncsort™ MFX face increased costs, and risk failure to meet batch window requirements and service level agreements (SLAs), due to SAS sorting.
Optimize SAS sort processing and reduce costs with Syncsort™ PROCSort™
For more than 20 years, Syncsort™ MFX customers have added Syncsort™ PROCSort™ to overcome the resource drain caused by SAS sorting. Syncsort™ PROCSort™ is a high-performance, transparent replacement for the SAS-provided sort procedure PROCSort™. Benchmark tests with Syncsort™ MFX users show significant performance advantages when using this solution instead of SAS PROCSort™, including an additional 40% reduction in task CPU time and 25% lower elapsed time.
To learn more about how additional performance advantages translate into significant cost savings, read the full product sheet.