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Customer Story

Sort Swap Saves $ for This Mexican Bank

The bank saved approximately 40% in CPU time with Syncsort™ MFX

A careful analysis performed for this Mexico-based banking and financial services firm indicated that the routine batch processing of sort functions in the mainframe environment was costing about $1 million annually just in the consumption of CPU time.

Equally concerning was how the CPU time for sort jobs was encroaching on the 11 a.m. to 5p.m. period when getting CPU time was critically important for vital business applications like transaction processing, CRM, and others. At stake were customer satisfaction, service- level agreements, and similar matters.

These two factors prompted a search for a DFSORT substitute, as DFSORT (IBM’s standard-issue mainframe sort utility) wasn’t providing what they needed. The bank’s mainframe IT group knew there were faster sort utilities out there, but which one was best? And how much difference would it make in terms of time saved and lower CPU usage charges?

An extensive search brought up one product that offered the Through its relationship with Devant Mexico, an IT and management consultancy in Mexico City, the bank became aware of Precisely and of its flagship sort utility, Syncsort™ MFX. The bank’s IT team was impressed enough with the joint Devant – Precisely presentation of potential CPU-time savings that they asked Precisely for a Proof of Concept (POC) exercise using portions of their actual banking workloads.

The POC confirmed expectations, so the customer licensed Syncsort™ MFX and began testing it in their own mainframe environment. Two months later they began running Syncsort™ MFX in their production system.

Once Syncsort™ MFX was in the production environment:

  • The customer saw approximately a 40% savings in CPU time for sort/copy/merge processes and a 10%-to-15% reduction in elapsed time
  • Sort-processing encroachments on interactive applications was eliminated.
  • Potential compromises with customer service and response times in critical business applications were reduced.

Learn how the bank leveraged Syncsort™ MFX to cut CPU usage and processing time.