Customer Story
Precisely Data360 Enables Supplier to Bring Complex Sales Reporting In-House
Precisely enabled automated, centralized visualization of customer profiles, competitive threat tracking, and optimized sales routes on a per-customer basis. This automation reduced the number of person days from 20 to zero, significantly decreasing monthly operational costs while increasing accuracy, improving customer relationships and implementing nightly rather than monthly data updates.
As a global veterinary medical supplier, this Precisely customer provides a full range of veterinary medical supplies, covering pets, agriculture and equestrian uses. Each of these veterinary verticals has its own inside and outside sales teams, reflecting the different products, specialties and geographies of each vertical. In addition, other suppliers in the marketplace may provide the same services at different prices, requiring the company to be sensitive to competitive forces. Bringing their sales team in-house, this client needed a comprehensive sales dashboard to streamline sales team operations and efficiency.
This dashboard needed to track and display customer profiles, quarterly and annual sales targets, suspected competitive threats and customer revenue, down to the purchase level. Data360 Analyze brought together the flexibility, power, scale and speed of development that the client needed to meet this challenge effectively.
This client had several systems that track the sales of medical products, separated into in-house diagnostics (medical analysis performed in the veterinary office) and labs (medical analysis performed for many clients in an off-site laboratory). Due to the number and age of systems involved, this data was spread across CRMs, medical lifecycle systems and billing systems. Many of these systems were at full capacity when this sales analysis was performed. Data360 Analyze needed to ensure that taking this process in house did not interfere with other system uses of the data within the enterprise.
Read more about how this veterinary medical supplier with over US$2 billion in annual global sales decided to bring its entire sales team in-house, for centralized visualization of customer profiles and developed in-house sales analytics to mitigate competitive threats.