Precisely Service Level Availability

(eff. 20-Sept-2024)

This document describes the Service Level Availability (“SLA”) of the below referenced Hosted Software offerings for which Customer has purchased a subscription or other license from Precisely (each separate product, “Hosted Software”) and applies to each Customer account and User of the Hosted Software. This document will be expanded as additional products are offered in SaaS/cloud implementations. This document only applies to instances of Precisely software running on servers and systems owned or controlled by Precisely.

Modifications to this SLA:

  • This SLA is effective as indicated by the version date above.
  • Orders for Hosted Software are governed by the version of this SLA applicable on the start date of the applicable license.
  • The terms of this SLA apply until the earlier of (a) the end date of the license term stated in such Order, or (b) two years after the license start date. During such period, any modifications to this SLA are not applicable to such Order except by mutual written agreement.

Summary of Availability

The following table describes the key metrics in the various Hosted Software offerings but is subject to the more detailed descriptions and terms and conditions below.


Multi-Tenant Hosted Software Available Hours of Support* Scheduled Maintenance* Calculated Availability
Data360 Govern 24 x 7 < 4 Hrs/Month 99.5%
Data360 DQ+ (Multi-Tenant) 24 x 7 < 4 Hrs/Month 99.5%
EngageOne Communicate 24 x 7 < 1 Hr/Month 99.9%
EngageOne Video 24 x 7 < 4 Hrs/Month 99.9%
MapReveal 24 x 7 < 4 Hrs/Month 99.5%
Precisely API’s 24 x 7 N/A 99.9%
Spectrum OnDemand (Multi-Tenant) 24 x 7 < 1 Hr/Month 99.9%
TrueView 24 x 7 < 4 Hrs/Month 99.5%
Single-Tenant Hosted Software Available Hours of Support* Scheduled Maintenance* Calculated Availability
Assure DQ 24 x 7 < 8 Hrs/Month 99.5%
Automate Evolve 24 x 7 < 4 Hrs/Month 99.9%
Automate Studio Manager 24 x 7 < 4 Hrs/Month 99.9%
Data360 Analyze 24 x 7 < 4 Hrs/Month 99.5%
Data360 DQ+ (Single-Tenant) 24 x 7 < 4 Hrs/Month 99.5%
EnterWorks 24 x 7 See below 99.5%
Risk Analyzer M-F 8am-8pm EST < 4 Hrs/Month 99.0%
Spectrum OnDemand (Single-Tenant) 24 x 7 < 4 Hrs/Month 99.5%
Spectrum Spatial Analyzer (Cloud) M-F 8am-8pm EST < 4 Hrs/Month 99.0%
Trillium Hosted Control Center M-F 8am-8pm EST < 4 Hrs/Month 99.0%
Trillium Quality 24 x 7 < 4 Hrs/Month 99.0%

* Level of support provided determined by purchased support contract level and terms. See also the Additional Hosted Software Terms below.

General Terms

These SLA terms supplement the applicable Agreement (defined below). In the event of a conflict between these Terms and the Agreement, the terms of the Agreement control except with respect to the specific Service Availability Statement applicable to the product at issue.


The following definitions and general terms apply to each of Precisely’s Hosted Software offerings described herein, but not others:

Agreement” means the applicable terms and conditions between Precisely (or its affiliated company) and Customer that references this SLA, whether pursuant to an On-Demand Subscription Agreement, other On-Demand agreement, a Master License Agreement, Master License and Services Agreement, Subscription Agreement, or other mutually signed or agreed terms.

Available Hours of Support” means the hours per day and days of the week noted for each Hosted Software product during which time Customer may obtain technical support for the Hosted Software.

Available” and “Availability” means that a Hosted Software product has external connectivity that allows for reasonable use of the Hosted Software.

Customer” means the entity(ies) specifically named in the Order as the approved customer(s) of the applicable Hosted Software.

“Emergency Maintenance” means maintenance that is necessary for purposes of maintaining the integrity or operation of the Hosted Software, regardless of the notice provided by Precisely.

Environment Definitions: URLs for production and other environments, when applicable, will be provided by Precisely.

Production” means the production servers and the associated URLs.

Staging” means an integration and acceptance test environment and the associated URLs.

QA-Prestaging”, “Development” and/or “Sandbox” means an environment used for solution development and preliminary testing.

Force Majeure Event” means an event beyond the reasonable control of a party, including, but not limited to: acts of God; government actions; fire; labor difficulties; civil disturbances; transportation interruptions; interruptions or failures of telecommunications, digital transmission links, or power; hostile network attacks; unforeseen pandemics; failure of a Hosting Service Provider; or other natural or supervening disasters.

Hosting Service Provider” means a third-party infrastructure provider of the information technology systems upon which the Hosted Software is installed in a production environment.

Order” means the Precisely provided document referencing the Agreement pursuant to which Customer acquires a license to access the Hosted Software, Software, and/or Professional Services, as evidenced by (a) a written agreement signed by Customer and Precisely (including a SOW for Professional Services, if applicable), (b) Customer’s acceptance of applicable online ordering terms, or (c) Precisely’s quotation that has been accepted by Customer’s issuance of a purchase order referencing the quotation by number.

“Scheduled Maintenance” means certain periods when the Hosted Software may not be Available to Customer to permit Precisely or the applicable Hosting Service Provider to perform maintenance support services as provided in Section 1.3 below.

User” means an individual Customer employee or individual subcontractor who is properly authorized by the Customer to use the Hosted Software in accordance with the Agreement and the applicable Order.

Hosted Software Availability

1.1         Service Level. Precisely will use commercially reasonable efforts to make each Hosted Software product Available to Customer at the percentage of time in a 90-day period reflected as “Calculated Availability” in the Summary of Availability table above, subject to the exclusions in Section 1.2.

1.2         Exclusions: The service level in Section 1.1 does not apply to any non-Availability, suspension or termination of Hosted Software, or any other Hosted Software performance issues, directly or indirectly:

(a) arising from the suspension or termination of Customer’s right to use the applicable Hosted Software in accordance with the Agreement or an Order;

(b) attributed to the acts or omissions of Customer or its affiliates or their employees, subcontractors, representatives, agents, or any User, including the improper configuration or use of the Hosted Software and including failure to implement recommended modifications;

(c) attributed to any actions taken by Precisely during Scheduled Maintenance in accordance with Section 1.3 or attributed to Scheduled Maintenance by any Hosting Service Provider;

(d) caused by factors outside of Precisely’s reasonable control, including any Force Majeure Event, failure of a Hosting Service Provider, information technology systems under Customer’s control, interruption or failure of telecommunications or digital transmission links, or hostile network attacks;

(e) associated with a Hosted Software that is in a non-Production environment, including Staging, QA-Prestaging, Development, and Sandbox environments;

(e) associated with a Hosted Software prior to such Hosted Software being generally available; and/or

(f) attributed to Customer electing to access only a Hosted Software’s regional endpoint and not the global endpoint.

1.3         Scheduled Maintenance. Precisely will use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize any disruption, inaccessibility and/or inoperability of the Hosted Software in connection with the Scheduled Maintenance or other disruption of Hosted Software. Precisely will provide advance notice of any Scheduled Maintenance, except in the case of an Emergency Maintenance to remediate security related issues and except in cases where no downtime is required. Scheduled Maintenance shall not exceed the hours in a calendar month reflected as “Scheduled Maintenance” in the Summary of Availability table above. The maintenance window is reserved to address unforeseen circumstances where corrections are needed.

1.4         Not a Warranty. This SLA describes a policy relating to a service arrangement and does not create, amend, or expand any warranty under the Agreement or create a separate warranty of Availability or otherwise.

Additional Hosted Software Terms

Automate Evolve:

Scheduled Maintenance for the Automate Evolve Hosted Software will not exceed four (4) hours in a calendar month based on a database up to 500GB. Since Scheduled Maintenance is affected by the database size, larger databases may require more than four hours.

Automate Studio Manager:

Scheduled Maintenance for the Automate Studio Manager Hosted Software will not exceed four (4) hours in a calendar month based on a database up to 500GB. Since Scheduled Maintenance is affected by the database size, larger databases may require more than four hours.

Data360 Govern:

With respect to Data360 Govern, the application is hosted in a multi-tenant environment, but the associated database is hosted in a single tenant environment.

EngageOne Communicate:

Scheduled Maintenance for the EngageOne Hosted Software will generally be performed between midnight and 4am EST on Sundays. The Available Hours of Support for the EngageOne Hosted Software is twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week for Critical or Severity 1 issues and M-F 8am-8pm EST for other support requests.

EngageOne Video:

Scheduled Maintenance for the EngageOne Hosted Software will generally be performed between midnight and 4am EST on Sundays. The Available Hours of Support for the EngageOne Video Hosted Software is twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week for Critical or Severity 1 issues and M-F 8am-8pm EST for other support requests.


Scheduled Maintenance for EnterWorks Hosted Software will be coordinated with each Customer to fit their needs and based on the system size and complexity. The service level in Section 1.1 does not apply if usage of an EnterWorks platform is beyond contracted capacity and/or not in line with Customer contracting questionnaire at the time of outage event.

Spectrum OnDemand (Multi-Tenant):

The above Availability terms for the Spectrum on Demand (Multi-Tenant) Hosted Software include SFTP Batch (excluding VeriMove, NetSuite, SPOD Connectors & the Spectrum OnDemand User Portal) in a production environment. See list of staging URLs in our Documentation. In general, Scheduled Maintenance will occur within a reserved window from 6:00 am to 10:00 am (EST) on Sundays. The maintenance window may be extended to 12:00 Noon (EST) if extended maintenance is required.

Spectrum OnDemand (Single-Tenant):

In general, Scheduled Maintenance will occur within a reserved window from 6:00 am to 10:00 am (EST) on Sundays. The maintenance window may be extended to 12:00 Noon (EST) if extended maintenance is required.