

The following is a high-level description of the various Geo Addressing Services (each a “Service”)—part of the Precisely Data Integrity Suite.


Geocode V1

The Geocode V1 API Service converts an individual address (ex. 4750 Walnut St., Boulder CO, 80301) or collections of addresses into latitude & longitude coordinates (ex. -105.241023, 40.018233). The resulting coordinates can be used for enrichment, insights, visualization, or decision-making around and related to the location. This Service is available for addresses worldwide (subject to certain restrictions). Contact your Precisely sales representative for details.

Reverse Geocode V1

The Reverse Geocode V1 API Service takes either a pair of geographical coordinates (ex. latitude -105.240976 and longitude 40.018301) or multiple input coordinates and translates them into a specific address that is Precisely’s match for that location (ex. 4750 WALNUT ST, BOULDER, CO  80303, USA). This Service is currently available for addresses worldwide (subject to certain restrictions). Contact your Precisely sales representative for details.

Verify V1

The Verify V1 API Service uses country-specific rules to validate that an address meets applicable postal standards. This Service parses, standardizes, verifies, cleanses and formats address data to help determine deliverability of address records. This Service is currently available for addresses worldwide (subject to certain restrictions). Contact your Precisely sales representative for details.

Address Autocomplete V1

The Address Autocomplete V1 API Service performs search(es) to retrieve a list of places by free form text and location vicinity. This service powers any local search, typeahead, checkout, shipping, or billing capabilities resulting in quicker and more accurate addresses than from full manual entries. Customers can perform a search with any part of the address, get address suggestions narrowed down with each keystroke, and autocomplete forms by selecting the right address candidate. This Service is currently available for addresses worldwide (subject to certain restrictions). Contact your Precisely sales representative for details.

Address Lookup V1

This Address Lookup API is to retrieve an address(es) by PreciselyID(s). This Service is currently available for addresses in the United States only.

Enhanced Geocode V1

This API is designed to enhance the existing capabilities of the Geocode API by utilizing multiple iterations of geocoding to improve the accuracy of the results for a given address. There are two types of flows available, allowing users to either maximize the number of locations or maximize what are known as the high-quality locations. This Service is available for addresses worldwide (subject to certain restrictions). Contact your Precisely sales representative for details.

  • Enhanced-Match-Rate: Maximize the Number of Locations
  • Enhanced-Match-Quality: Maximize High-Quality Locations


As noted in the applicable Order, these Services will generally be based on the number of address transactions processed in a given period of time.