AI Guidelines

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly developing with exciting potential, but we need to proceed with caution. That’s because AI is trained to mimic humans, but it can’t fully recreate our unique perspectives and experiences – so think of it as your partner for brainstorming or getting a good outline or first draft to work off, rather than the complete package.

AI Guidelines

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly developing with exciting potential, but we need to proceed with caution. That’s because AI is trained to mimic humans, but it can’t fully recreate our unique perspectives and experiences – so think of it as your partner for brainstorming or getting a good outline or first draft to work off, rather than the complete package.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly developing, and while it has exciting potential to change the way we work, there are three important things to remember:

  1. We still need to proceed with caution
  2. AI is trained to mimic humans, but it can’t fully recreate our unique perspectives and experiences
  3. Think of it as your partner for brainstorming or getting a good outline or first draft to work off, rather than the complete package. 

General Dos and Don’ts


Add a disclaimer

Anything produced with AI – whether almost completely or in small part – needs to have a disclaimer. For example, “This blog post was created with the assistance of generative AI.”

This ensures transparency and should be applied to both internal and external content. Avoids confusion and potential misuse.

Fact-check the output content

Don’t assume that anything generated with AI can be trusted. Have a subject matter expert review and verify the content before it’s posted anywhere.

Turn on privacy mode

When available, turn on features that prevent your work from being used to train the AI


Don’t upload sensitive/proprietary material

Anything used for an AI prompt can become public domain, with potential to be accessed and exploited. Even if you choose an option to not train the AI, security is not guaranteed. Keep this in mind when entering a prompt, and do not enter things like:

  • Code
  • Transcripts from internal meetings
  • Brand Imagery: Logos, 3D, binary, Suite images, etc.
  • Personally identifiable information

*Quick tip: before entering a prompt, ask yourself, “Is this something I’d want the public to have access to?” If it’s not, avoid using AI.

Don’t use AI as a research replacement

You can never be sure of the source, and these platforms have been found to simply make things up if they’re not sure. These AI falsehoods, sometimes called “hallucinations”, can sound entirely plausible.

AI-Generated Text

While these tools can help us get a good outline or first draft for text, presentations, or images, the human eye is still needed.

  • Use it for productivity and efficiency in getting a rough first draft or outline, but you must then check for accuracy and Precisely tone of voice.
  • Use prompts to brainstorm and generate more ideas than you may normally. Then, narrow down and polish as necessary. Even while many outputs from the AI may not be perfect, you never know when even a rough idea could spark inspiration for you – leading to something new and different once it’s refined.On this note, try to tweak your prompt slightly and always generate at least a few variations for each
  • Don’t forget to add the AI disclaimer.

ChatGPT Tips

Capture your voice as a prompt

To establish your unique writing style as a prompt, start by introducing ChatGPT to your preferred voice, tone, and style.

Inform ChatGPT about your expertise, such as being the “world’s best copywriter for blogs.” Provide samples of your previous blog posts or articles, keeping the content consistent, and ask ChatGPT to read these writing samples. By analyzing this text, ChatGPT can assess and replicate your voice.

Craft blog posts in ChatGPT

Clearly state the subject matter and paste your established writing style prompt.

Then, provide the main ideas you want the blog post to cover. Request ChatGPT to generate an outline and refine it if necessary. Proceed by asking ChatGPT to write one section at a time, considering multiple iterations for each section. Proofread the output before incorporating it into your document.

Handy prompt crafting tips

ChatGPT tends to be verbose, so using the “limit prose” instruction can help you control the output’s length. Additionally, opt for clear and direct language in your prompts, even seeking assistance from ChatGPT to refine them further.

AI-Generated Visuals

Never use AI-generated images for corporate purposes.

Precisely can’t guarantee copyright ownership of AI-generated images and they will most likely fall outside our brand guidelines.

We have a library of Brand pre-approved images you can use for most purposes.

Additional Resources

[in progress …]

Have questions about using AI?

Reach out to the Web & Brand team, we’re happy to discuss best practices, use cases, guidelines, and new tools.