Address Fabric™

The Address Fabric™ data set is a current and comprehensive list of all known addresses in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and France . Each record is pre-geocoded to provide the most precise latitude and longitude coordinate location, including physical locations that are not deliverable by the postal service. The data is delivered in an easy to use flat file format that can be loaded into any database and analytics environment.

Each record contains the street address, coordinate location, census information, and property details for that addressable location.  Address genealogy known as parent/child relationships for primary and secondary addresses such as units, suites, and apartments are also included. Records are then assigned our unique identifier, the PreciselyID, that can be used for data management and exchange, or appending enriched contextual information such as demographics, psychographics, property tax, and risk factors.

To allow clients to identify and better understand serviceable addresses, extended attribution is available with the U.S. Address Fabric™ data set. The Serviceability Extended Attributes link to the Address Fabric™ data set via the PreciselyID and contains information about mail delivery indicators, detailed land use information, and building designations such as multi-dwelling unit, multi-tenant unit, or mixed used.

This dataset is also available via Data Graph API, which helps you access, enrich, and discover data like never before!


  • Manage internal address data with a single source of truth
  • Visualize address locations on a map
  • Utilize for site selection of new assets or network expansion
  • Identify serviceable addresses and delineate areas for new service or catchment
  • Find new customers or upsell to existing clients through look-alike analysis
  • Append enriched data to the address through a unique identifier, such as points of interest, property assessment and risk factors, demographics, and more


Records include:

  • Unique identifier for an address (PreciselyID)
  • Address information
  • Location information (latitude & longitude)
  • FIPS and Census code information (U.S.)
  • Location accuracy codes to convey the positional accuracy of the address point
  • Parent/child address relationships (units, apartments, suites)
  • Property type information (business vs residential)


  • Complete nationwide coverage, to provide the most comprehensive, current, and accurate location listings
  • Multi-sourced, pre-geocoded address file
  • Contains parsed street address with the highest precision coordinate available
  • Each address record is assigned the PreciselyID unique identifier
  • Available in an open flat file for flexible usage and conversion into any format
  • U.S. product includes Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS), census codes, and property type classification
  • Provides parent/child relationships to associate buildings to their secondary addresses (units, apartments, and suites)
  • Includes change log files


Australia, Canada, United States
Release schedule
Monthly (United States), Quarterly (Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, France)
Unit of sale
Country, State

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